Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Oh the Webs We Weave...

There are three interesting points that really mess up picking who is going to be the Democratic candidate for President. I'm a political junkie who actually enjoys debating the strategy behind the election more than discussing the issues. Mostly because the issues are of no value in these types of elections. We should focus more on character.

First, the Edwards factor. He will continue to pile up delegates so long as he wins fifteen percent of the vote in any given primay. If the race is a close in August as it is now, someone is going to have to give Edwards something pretty good to get those delegates.

Second, the "Super-Delegates." The super-delegates actually take power away from the people. If Obama wins the majority of delegates through popular vote in primaries but loses because of super-delegate votes, the Democratic Party will look foolish. After all, the proportional voting system was supposed to encourage minority representation, while super-delegates are all about putting the power in the hands of the party elite.

Lastly, Florida and Michigan. Both states had their delegates stripped because they violated party rules by holding their primaries too early. But, once again, if the race is close, you will actually have canidates of the same party making legal arguments for and against the inclusion of these delegates. How fascinating is that?

All of these factors can work for and aginst the Democrats. Clearly, the focus is currently on Obama and Clinton. They will want to use that publicity for as long as they can. But, if Clinton "unfairly" wins the nomination because of super-delegates, that could drive Obama supporters to vote for McCain. Truly, this will be a fascinating turn of events that I will watch very closely.

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